Character List
Prologue Act 1 - Nobuo Miyata’s admittance to Hope’s Peak Academy as the Contending Ultimate Biographer.
- Nobu’s Introduction/Interview for his Student Assessment with a Hope’s Peak Faculty.
- Nobu is briefed about transportation to the Talent Evaluation Site.
- Nobu mulls over the Student Recruitment Incident that led to the Talent Evaluation Site.
- Nobu tries to make sense of the controversy and his role by his admittance letter.
- Nobu is approached and startled by a student who sees Nobu having a strange fit.
Akihito Fujii
- The student asks why Nobu is standing in front of Hope’s Peak Academy.
- Nobu reveals his participation in the Talent Evaluation to reassure his nerves.
- The student reveals he is also a participant in the Evaluation, shattering Nobu’s confidence.
- The student introduces himself as Akihito Fujii, the contending Ult. Humanitarian.
- Nobu quickly gets over his wounded pride in the presence of a Symbol of Hope.
- The two getting to know each other through small talk outside the school gate.
- Nobu learns Aki and his class are held back a year due to the Student Recruitment Incident.
- Coincidentally, Nobu will be the last student participant in the Evaluation, and Aki’s classmate.
- Nobu’s mood dampens at the revelation between him and his soon-to-be-classmates.
- Between their age, Nobu will be one year younger than them as their junior.
- Between achievements, which Nobu hasn’t done anything noteworthy, or draw in fame.
- And. Nobu will be replacing the student who caused the Recruitment Incident.
- Aki suddenly pinches the tip of Nobu’s nose, snapping him out, to fluster and babble.
- Along with a candy, Aki explains it's what he does to cheer children up in bad situations.
- Aki then offers Nobu to join in his carpool to the Talent Evaluation Site.
Kemuri Anzai
- Before Nobu could answer, a car pulled up in front of them with someone to greet them.
- Nobu shutting down as the person addresses Aki and refers to Nobu as a fan.
- Introducing himself as Kemuri Anzai, the contending Ult. Comedian to ‘one-up’ Aki.
- Kemuri tries to get Nobu to walk away, pretending he has no part in their business.
- Aki tries to put a stop to it as he goes to the car, looking at Nobu in hopes he accepts his offer.
- Nobu agrees, Kemuri calls Nobu a persistent fan, Aki introduces him to Nobu formally.
- Aki gets on the front seat of the self-driving car as Kemuri opens the door for Nobu to get it.
- Kemuri refuses to move from the window, making Nobu climb over him to get inside.
- Nobu finds himself face to face with another student on the other side of the car.
Yui Yokomizo
- Nobu recognizes the student who glanced at him, before they berate Kemuri’s hazing of Nobu.
- Kemuri ignores them to instead try to pressure the student to introduce herself.
- Exasperated, she introduces herself as Yui Yokomizo, the contending Ult. Criminal Profiler.
- Kemuri making quips about Yui’s involvement with law enforcement to her annoyance.
- Enough for Yui to make a comment about Kemuri, causing him to slam the car door shut.
- In turn, Kemuri makes more jabs at Yui’s talent, causing her to lean over and pull Kemuri’s ear.
- Aki asks about the commotion, Yui returns to her seat and tells him everything is okay.
- Kemuri begrudgingly agrees with Yui, shirking back when he makes another remark at her.
- The car begins to drive, Nobu is completely dumbfounded by what happened in front of him.
- To the other’s curiosity as well, Kemuri asks Nobu what Talent he is contending for.
- Surprising them when Nobu reveals he is contending for the title of The Ult. Biographer.
- Kemuri makes an especially big deal about it to Yui and Aki’s caution.
The Student
- Kemuri reveals Nobu is contending for the same title as their classmate.
- The student who is now removed from Hope’s Peak Acedemy’s registry.
- The student whose talent, title, student spot Nobu is replacing.
- Yui tried to lean over at Kemuri to shut him up, missing before she slump back to her seat.
- Nobu speaks up to ask if the student is the one who caused the Student Recruitment Incident.
- Aki tries to give a measured and rehearsed response to Nobu as tension becomes awkward.
- Kemuri chimes in Aki's comment on the student, calling him an ‘ass’ with contempt.
- Ignoring Aki’s benefit of a doubt, Kemuri reasons they barely knew them but were still affected.
- Kemuri lashes at Yui who interjects. Yui responds in kind, bringing up an incident of Kemuri.
- The tension finally dies down with one last remark from Kemuri to end it.
- Aki apologized to Nobu for the lingering hostility since the incident, Nobu apologizing himself.
- Kemuri starts up again if a bit somber, for them to pipe down their pity party.
- Aki agrees and suggests everyone to rest a bit before they arrive at the Evaluation Site.
- Kemuri talks with Aki as Nobu drifts off wondering how bad the Incident was when it happened.
- Nobu finds himself sitting on a bench in his middle school with another person beside him.
- The person talks with Nobu about how someone can write down the entire life of a person.
- Nobu asks how it is possible, the person agrees it is next to impossible to do so.
- When asked if they ever wonder if they could write a person’s life perfectly without bias.
- The person hopes it’s a goal they, grabbing his hand, and Nobu can achieve together.
- Flustering Nobu to drop his pen and notebook, the person calls his name repeatedly, worried.
Prologue - Act 2
- Nobu wakes up tired to someone whispering his name at him.
- Nobu realized to his embarrassment he slept against Kemuri's shoulder during the ride.
- Aki telling Kemuri not to startle Nobu as they near the Talent Evaluation Site.
- Beckoning Nobu to look, as they reached the end of a long bridge across the sea.
- Nobu marvels at the walls of the Evaluation Site, the gates with the Hope’s Peak Emblem open.
- Entering the site itself, Yui coyly warns Nobu and Kemuri to hold tight as they lean ahead.
- Before they can question her, the car screeches to a halt a distance from the main building.
- Nobu launched over to the front. Kemuri’s head stuck between Aki’s seat and the car wall.
- Nobu watches a red motorcycle leap over the car and stops ahead of them [Akira style].
- Seeing they are close to the main structure, Yui leaves the car with Kemuri following after.
- Asking if Nobu is alright, Aki gets out just as two figures walk towards them from the building.
- Nobu steadying his nerves as he watches the students convene in front of the car.
- One of the figures greets Kemuri, Yui, Aki and the Biker in fevered excitement.
- Getting close enough for them to leap right over the biker, who dodges their lunge.
- Kemuri picks them up as the other person arrives, greeting them more calmly.
Kotori Matsuko
- Nobu gets out of the car that shuts its doors and begins to pull away from the Site.
- One of the students notices Nobu and walks over to greet him with Aki to help it along.
- Introducing themselves as the contending Ult. Spokesperson, Kotori Matsuko.
- Kotori had been informed of Nobu’s participation before everyone else, including Aki.
- As the biker leaves to park their bike, Yui has already gone into the Site’s main building.
- Kemuri drops the other student after picking them up, telling them he is going up ahead.
Yuichi Amano
- The other student whines about their duty and responsibility to give them a tour of the site.
- Kemuri left already, the student turns to look for validation from Aki and Nobu.
- Aki declines and apologizes to Nobu, needing to talk with Kotori in private.
- Aki leaves with Kotori to the student’s offense, who now acknowledges Nobu.
- The student defeatedly introduced himself as the contending Ult. Tour Guide, Yuichi Amano.
- Asking about Nobu’s title before Yuichi begins their tour of the Talent Evaluation Site.
- Yuichi offers Nobu the locations he can choose for them to begin.
- The Wilderness Area: Kairi Narumi / Tohma Minato / Katsuo Onoda
- Nobu and Yuichi go to the forest surrounding the walls of the site.
- Yuichi cautious Nobu to watch his step in the area as they enter.
- before Nobu can ask, they hear commotion inside the forest and head towards it.
- Finding two students, one sitting against a tree, the other yelling at the foliage.
- Yuichi asks the students what happened, addressing them as Kairi and Tohma.
- One of them, Kairi, tells Yuichi that ‘Tomas’ got hurt from a trap in the forest.
- The student, Tohma or Tomas, tells the other student to quiet down to their offense.
- Kairi punches one of the trees, yelling for someone up there to come down.
- A shrill, meek voice echoes from the foliage, telling them to leave him alone.
- Yuichi takes over the situation from Kairi, who is just about to yell some more.
- Calling out to ‘Katsuo’, who continues to tell them to ‘go away’, and ‘leave him alone’.
- Yuichi promises they will - if Katsuo comes down to apologize and introduce himself.
- After Yuichi keeps Kairi from saying anything, a bush falls hard in front of the students.
- The bush rustles upward, shifting a pair of eyes from inside its covers to meet Nobu’s.
- The two startled each other. Yuichi introduces Nobu as their new classmate.
- The bush shakingly introduces itself as Katsuo Onoda, the contending Ult. Survivalist.
- Then turning towards the two students, Katsuo makes a half-hearted apology to them.
- Realizing his ‘apology’ made things worse, Katsuo quickly escaped back up the trees.
- With the other student telling Kairi to forget about Katsuo, they meet Nobu properly.
- Nobu already knows Kairi from the media. Regardless, she makes an introduction.
- Introducing herself with a more lax attitude as Kairi Narumi, the contending Ult. Surfer.
- The other student gives a brief glance at Nobu and a briefer introduction.
- Introducing himself as Tohma Minato, the contending Ult. Cage Fighter.
- Kairi tells ‘Tomas’ to loosen up, irritating him who corrects her to call him Tohma.
- Kairi dismissed the request, reasoning that was the name he introduced himself to her.
- Tohma then makes a comment about Kairi, riling her up. Yuichi pulls Nobu away.
- Alone, Yuichi apologizes for their antics and assures Nobu ‘that’s how they are.’
- Courtyard Area: Heidi Miyagawa / Chie Amasugi / Chizuko Koizumi
- Arriving in front of the Main building, Nobu sees Kemuri hauling boxes into the building.
- A number of students standing around him, making comments as he complains.
- Nobu notices the biker from earlier when he is suddenly dragged by Yuichi.
- Kemuri greets Nobu as they approach, one of the students tells Kemuri to ‘be careful.’
- Another student quips in agreement at Kemuri to continue while staring at him.
- Nobu approaches one of the students, one in a hoodie and skirt, to make introductions.
- The student hides behind the biker when they notice Nobu walking towards them.
- The biker comforts the person, who pulls out a camcorder and records Nobu.
- Puzzled. Yuichi comes to diffuse the situation, introducing Nobu to them first.
- With the context, the biker apologizes for the student’s shyness as they keep recording.
- The biker introduces them as Heidi Miyagawa, the contending Ult. Cinematographer.
- Assuring Nobu that after Heidi gets to know him, she’ll put the camera down.
- The biker then introduces herself as Chie Amasugi, the contending Ult. Daredevil.
- As Nobu shakes their hand, Yuichi couldn’t help but squee over Chie’s coolness.
- Yuichi brings up their entrance earlier, complementing their skills and their bike.
- Yuichi begins to beg, to Nobu’s embarrassment, for Chie to lend ‘the Phoenix’ to him.
- Chie tells Yuichi to quit it and excuses herself and Heidi who continues to film Nobu.
- Yuichi sulks at his failed attempt to borrow Chie’s bike, Nobu attempts to comfort him.
- Going up to the main entrance of the Site building, another student approaches them.
- Giggling behind their kimono sleeves and commenting if Nobu ‘enjoyed the ride?’
- Nobu realized Kemuri told them what happened, getting flustered to Yuichi’s confusion.
- The student promises Nobu they won’t tell Yuichi a thing when he tries to ask.
- Then introducing themself in 3rd person as Chizuko Koizumi, the contending Ult. Kabuki Actor.
- Doing an elegant twirl and shaking Nobu’s hand with a wink and a smile.
- Yuichi pesters Nobu, asking what happened on the ride to the site, Nobu staying mum.
- The two walk up to the main building, hearing Heidi telling Kemuri to be careful.
- Kemuri complains he is doing all the work for Heidi to Chizuko’s amusement.
- Main Building Entrance Hall: Marino Shinozaki / Fumie Kuroko
- Nobu marvels at the pristine architecture of the building as Yuichi provides information.
- Soon catching sight of Yui by the windows, alongside another student staring out.
- Approaching Yui, who asks how’s the tour, to Yuichi’s whining at her rejection earlier.
- Nobu chuckles as he gives an average review to the stab in Yuichi’s heart.
- Turning to the student beside Yui, Nobu greets them with a little wave and introduction.
- The student slowly turns and stares off at Nobu’s general direction with a ‘hmmm…’.
- Unnerving Nobu as they ask if Nobu was talking to them, and if he could repeat again.
- Nobu introduces himself again, with an ensuing silence as they stare absent-minded.
- ‘Oh…’, the student realized they were meant to make introductions with Nobu in kind.
- Introducing herself carefully as Marino Shinozaki, the contending Ult. Art Forger.
- Marino raises her hand to Nobu’s face, Nobu backs up to avoid it and gives it a shake.
- Marino bows and wishes Nobu well. Turning away to stare off to nowhere.
- Yui gives Yuichi a glance, who takes the hint and leads Nobu away from them.
- Yuichi tells Nobu privately to not mind Marino’s quirk and behavior.
- Explaining she has difficulties focusing on more than one thing at a time.
- Nobu expresses how he is going to fit in by the first impression of his classmates so far.
- Nobu then spots Aki, relieved, as he is talking with Kotori and another student.
- Needing Yuichi to catch up to Nobu as he walks ahead towards them.
- Aki notices and is quick to greet Nobu, asking him about his tour and Yuichi’s company.
- Nobu gives a much better review of it to Aki who is relieved Nobu is doing okay.
- Yuichi giving side eyes to Nobu who answers vaguely positively about his experience.
- Kotori joins in, glad Nobu is alright. The student with her and Aki asks about Nobu.
- Kotori introduces Nobu to them, pleasantly surprised about Nobu’s inclusion.
- Reaching out with a smile to greet Nobu properly to pivot from her comment.
- The student introduces herself as Fumie Kuroko, the contending Ult. Auctioneer.
- Yuichi tries to snark and bring up her attempt to sweep aside the comment about Nobu.
- Fumie tells Yuichi to shut it, her smile hardening as she crosses her arm.
- When Yuichi tries to justify himself, refusing to yield as Fumie approaches him.
- Whispering quick and stern under her breath for a good while, leaving Yuichi pale.
- Fumie turns to Nobu, wishing him best on his tour and glares daggers at Yuichi.
- Yuichi stutters a childish insult, calling Fumie a meanie as she returns to Kotori and Aki.
- Aki wishes Nobu well on the rest of his tour as he drags Yuichi away from them.
- Yuichi complains how no one respects him. Nobu says he does, under duress.
- Lounge Area: Seki Sanatako / Juu Ichijo
- Nobu and Yuichi pass by the Cafeteria, Temporary dorms, Supply closets in the hall.
- Arriving at the open lounge area with two students already occupying the space.
- Just as Nobu walks in, one of the students walks out, knocking aside Nobu.
- Confused, Nobu walks in the lounge for the other student to greet him enthusiastically.
- Asking Nobu if he recognizes him, Nobu realizes he had seen the student before.
- The student picks up on it and slyly asks if Nobu wants an autograph of his.
- The student shouting he is giving away ‘his’ autograph if ‘he’ won’t come back for it.
- Wondering who they are talking to, a hand snatched the autograph in front of Nobu.
- Seeing it was the student who bumped Nobu aside earlier at the lounge entrance.
- Stopping a bit, eying Nobu up and down, the student asks who Nobu is.
- Nobu answers, the student asks about his talent and accomplishments, Nobu sputters.
- Huffing at Nobu’s demeanor, the student laughs at Nobu’s request for their name.
- Leaving, they tell Nobu to ask again after he proved and earned his Ultimate title.
- Irritating Nobu. Yuichi calls them a stuck-up jerk. The other student agrees.
- Yuichi divulges to Nobu that he is Seki Sanatako, the contending Ult. Illusionist.
- Yuichi says, for someone also contending for their title, he sure is arrogant.
- Yuichi and the student assure Nobu that Seki is like that to everyone without exception.
- Yuichi and the student share their own accounts when they first met Seki as freshmen.
- The student introduces himself as Juu Ichijo, the contender for the Ult. Escape Artist.
- Juu immediately lists his various escapades and T.V. deals for his expertise to Nobu.
- Chuckling along at Juu’s boasts, Yuichi slowly pushes Nobu far and away from Juu.
- Yuichi signs to Nobu how Juu is just as, if not much more vocally arrogant than Seki.
- Nobu agrees, Yuichi giggling with him as Nobu voice his regret to meet Juu in person.
- The two continue their tour through the various facilities of the main building.
- The tour ends, Nobu thanks Yuichi for his company. Yuichi quips it’s his duty.
- Fumie calls the students to gather at the building’s entrance over the speakers.
- Finding himself with fifteen other students. Kotori, Aki and Fumie separated from them.
- Kotori begins a speech to welcome everyone to the Hope’s Peak Talent Evaluation Site.
- Much to everyone’s confusion as Fumie hands out student handbooks to them.
- A tenseness surrounds the students while Kotori and Aki try to pretend otherwise.
- Seki speaks up to ask where the Hope’s Peak Faculties and Site members are.
- Sparking discussion among students who realize they are the only people on site.
- Kotori tries to tell the students that the faculty and Site members are running late.
- More questions arise as they wonder why Kotori is giving the welcoming speech already.
- Nobu reaches out to Aki for answers, who tells Nobu the same thing as Kotori.
- Katsuo causes a scene when he tries to run outside, needing Kemuri to restrain him.
- As the students argue with each other over the situation, Nobu feels strange.
- Soon collapsing with the world stark white, the students’ voices are drowned out.
- Nobu finds himself back at the courtyard again, alone, holding a school newspaper.
- It's an article about a speech given in his graduation by a previous alumni.
- Attached to a photo of the person Nobu spoke to in his dream earlier.
- The article itself was written and edited by Nobu himself.
Prologue Act 3
- Nobu wakes up with a splitting headache on the ground in the lounge, seeing it’s night time.
- Carelessly grabbing a chair to stand up, Nobu’s hand gives out, causing him to fall down.
- Hitting his head on a table, Nobu feels a sinking feeling in his chest, and very nauseous.
- Exiting the lounge area, Nobu bumps into Yuichi, who woke up in the hallway not long ago.
- Noting something is ‘off’ about Nobu, Aki exits a dorm room, dazed as he holds his head.
- Nobu and Yuichi rushing to make sure Aki is okay. Nobu feels something is different with Aki.
- The three tried to make sense about what happened when they all seemed to blank out.
- Wondering about the other students, a strange voice sounds from the speakers.
- The voice was Aki’s. Shocking them as it tells the students to gather outside the main building.
- Deciding to listen to the voice to find out what is happening, with potentially two Aki’s around.
- Nobu grabs his injured wrist, feeling much more sore than before, hoping to understand why.
- Making their way outside, they are greeted with a riot of a scene between the students.
- Aki quickly makes his way to the students gathered, and assesses the situation.
- Nobu and Yuichi hurry to join Aki and help him and the other students.
- Kemuri and Juu struggling to hold Katsuo down from running.
- Seki arguing with Fumie and Chizuko about staying in one place.
- Chie and Kairi try to calm down a crying Heidi as she records everything.
- Kotori tries to control the hysteria and panic around her.
- When the students see Aki, they immediately swarm him asking for answers.
- Aki confesses he doesn’t know anything and did not make the announcement earlier.
- Nobu and Yuichi vouching for Aki with their whereabouts at the time of the announcement.
- Seeing that Aki doesn’t have the answers, the students are quick to devolve into chaos again.
- Nobu grows nauseous at the spiraling of the situation with Yuichi leaving his side to help Juu.
- His voice suddenly calls out for all the students to stop and begins a scathing speech.
- To Nobu’s horror as he isn’t speaking, the voice berates the students for their disharmony.
- The students all turn to Nobu as the voice calls them out as Ultimates who act like fools.
- Nobu hyperventilates as he tries to explain he didn’t say those things between short breaths.
- Some of the students begin to question if Nobu has any knowledge of what happened.
- A spotlight shines on the Main Building platform, drawing attention to a figure that pops out.
- A plush animal in the spotlight, speaking in a jovially squeaky voice at the stunned students.
- The stuffed animal comments at the students’ disorganized behavior since they woke up.
- Clearing their throat, the stuffed animal welcomes the students to the Talent Evaluation Site.
- Introducing itself as the Site Overseer and the student’s Talent Evaluator, Mononuki.
- The stuffie muffles its giggling as it watches the student try to process what happened.
- To its annoyance, Kemuri jokingly asks if this is one of the student’s Talent Evaluations.
- Diffusing the tension as the students take up Kemuri’s prompt while Mononuki riots.
- Kemuri speculates if it is Kotori’s Evaluation as it has a mascot - Mononuki.
- Juu asks if it might be Aki’s Evaluation as it has to do with crisis management.
- Fumie and Kairi wonder if it is Yui’s, while Chizuko thinks it might be Heidi’s.
- Yuichi and Tohma try to wrangle Katsuo in the meantime.
- Everyone but Nobu, Aki, Seki, Chie, Marino; and Yui, who speaks to Mononuki directly.
- Yui asks Mononuki to prove their status as a Site overseer or Talent Evaluator.
- Mononuki snarkily thanks Yui for respecting them, glad to prove it for her since she asked.
- Menacingly warning the students to stick close together and away from the walls.
- Mononuki begins to bounce with each emphasis in a manic chant,
- All of you stand so tall, tall. Tall!
- Up on your thrones with your silver spoons.
- But like these mighty walls that stand so high,
- All of you shall fall. Fall. FALL!
- With its last word, the walls surrounding the Site begin to stir and collapse into the ground.
- The students watch stunned, to Mononuki's amusement, shocked at the sight around them.
- Not only is the bridge to the Site gone, there is no surrounding land for miles on end.
- Mononuki reasserts their authority, reiterating itself as the Site Overseer and Evaluator.
- Kemuri and Fumie’s attempt to dispel the shock is shut down by Mononuki in its jovial tone.
- The students try to make sense of the situation, Mononuki is happy to answer their questions.
- Answering Yuichi who asks how they will leave the site, Mononuki giddily tells him just how.
- They can pass their Talent Evaluation, easy as that. With transportation ready when they pass.
- The students chatter among themselves, still trying to make light of the situation.
- Nobu sees Aki, pale and silent. Unable to bear the sight, Nobu steps up to speak to Mononuki.
- Only for Juu to push Nobu back with a smile, Juu walks up and speaks to Mononuki.
- Reaffirming with Mononuki that if he passed his Talent Evaluation, Juu gets to leave, Right?
- Mononuki snickers as it affirms, asking if Mr.Ichijo will be the first to demonstrate.
- Assuring Aki and the other students, Juu says he is ready for his Talent Evaluation.
- An entire elevator levels off the ground in front of the students, Mononuki prompts Juu to enter.
- With one last boast, Juu gives a wink and a nob before he enters, the elevator descends.
Eyes on all Sides
- Mononuki tells the students to turn their attention and look at the fountain in the courtyard.
- The fountain now projects live footage of Juu in the elevator to the backdrop of the night sky.
- The students watch as the elevator comes to a stop and Juu exits into a stark white room.
- The elevator closes behind Juu to replace itself with a wall, trapping him in the room.
- Seeing the walls each having a hatch with apparitions to reach them.
- Juu realizes the mechanics of his test, and begins his Talent Evaluation.
- Reaching the hatch in the ceiling, Juu opens it to another, exact copy of the room.
- Confident as Juu makes his way past the rooms, stumbling onto traps he is quick to avoid.
- Juu even sets up a system to test the rooms, cocksure of his success as he enters the next.
- That is until a blade pops out of the ground and slashes Juu’s calf, splattering blood.
- Nobu’s stomach sinks as he watch Juu try to recover and continue his escape.
- But everything gets worse as Juu goes on, getting more reckless as he quickened his pace.
- Blood dripping and splattering the white rooms as Juu gets progressively more injured.
- Then Juu suddenly stands still to the confusion of Nobu and the rest of the Students.
- His condescending smile faded into shock, asking about the ‘woosh’ sound just now.
- Juu goes limp to the students’ horrors as his body collapses into multiple cube-shaped flesh.
- Only a moment of silence as Mononuki watches the students cry into hysteria and panic.
- Shocked at the graphic sight of Juu’s ‘possible’ death, all trying to delude themselves otherwise.
- Kemuri jokes that it must be a prank Juu is playing with special effects.
- Chie tries to keep Heidi from spiraling as she yells it’s all real, it’s all real!
- Katsuo kicks and screams to be let go from Tohma and Kairi.
- Yui watches with cold sweat, Marino asking everyone what happened?
- Fumie tries to snap Chizuko out of shock herself in tears and stuttering.
- Seki stares dagger at the projection with gritted teeth and clenched fist.
- Aki and Kotori try in vain to calm the students while barely keeping calm themselves.
- Nobu feels a sharp pain in his chest, Yuichi noticing Nobu as he keels over.
- Yuichi calls everyone’s attention, as far as yelling at Mononuki for what ‘it did.’
- Mononuki asks Yuichi to clarify what he meant, Yuichi calls what happens a cruel prank.
- Incensed. Mononuki drops all humor to tell him exactly what had happened.
- Juu failed his Talent Evaluation and died from incompetence and overestimation of his skills.
- Aki, upset by Mononuki’s comment, Asks it why Juu has to get hurt and die for his failure.
- Mononuki tells him, many people waste their entire lives to reach where the students are.
- Mononuki is only making it much more literal. Apologizing to Aki for how he is feeling.
- Nobu yells out for Mononuki to shut up. No one should die, and this whole thing is sick.
- Nobu decries Mononuki’s attempt to justify murder and putting the student in this situation.
- Mononuki tells Nobu to calm down. It’s not their fault the situation shattered his idol’s image.
- Nobu doesn’t get to be on his high horse either, after all, Nobu played a part in the Site’s creation.
- The students quiet down at that statement, glancing at Nobu. Yuichi lets go of him.
- Mononuki regains its crass joy as it reveals Nobu’s role in the Student Recruitment Incident.
- Their classmate who caused the incident. They were Nobu’s senior from his middle school.
- Nobu was shadowing them to write their biography, all to humor him, their biggest fan.
- The manuscript Nobu wrote about them was leaked to the public, causing the Incident.
- The cover ups and criminal charges swept aside by Hope’s Peak.
- The stalking and boundary violation of the subjects of their biography.
- And the students who all came to verify everything that Nobu wrote.
- The damage control, and subsequent unveil of the Talent Evaluation Site.
- Why was Nobu not involved? Who involves a nobody compared to the Symbols of Hope.
- The students are no better for making the situation worse with their testimonies.
- Mononuki asks them, who are they to talk about their roles in their suffering now.
- After all, as the stuffed animal’s shape changed into Nobu, a smile twisted into his own visage.
- They are all at fault and in need to atone for their actions and self-condemnations.
- Pitying Juu for missing their speech, as he died ignorant of his faults, like a fool.
- Kemuri yells for Mononuki to stop it, stop what they’re doing and stop messing with them.
- Just as he finishes, Mononuki shifts its appearance to an exact copy of Kemuri, voice and all.
- Mockingly taunts in Kemuri's own gusto that he only likes jokes at others’ expense, not his own.
- Angering Kemuri as it backtracks, saying then again, his (Kemuri) whole life is a joke anyways.
- Kemuri rushed up the Main building stairs and lunged at his own reflection, jumping through it.
- Turning to stare down at Kemuri with his own face, Mononuki asks if this is another bit of his.
- Mononuki turns to address the students with rules of the Talent Evaluation Site Killing Game.
- Students cannot leave the island until they earned their Ultimate Title or…
- Students can opt out of their Talent Evaluation by killing another student. Life for a life.
- Explaining its holographic nature to assure the students of its role only as the overseer.
- Mononuki lays out general rules of curfew and how the students can start their Evaluation.
- Tauntingly asks the students if they have any more questions as it returns to its original look.
- The students couldn’t say anything, Kemuri quietly sneaks away to return to the group.
- No one, but Seki. Haughtily asks Mononuki if it’s done with its spiel?
- Mononuki asks Seki to repeat what he said, louder for all the students to hear.
- Seki repeats himself. Adding that he is going to prepare for his Talent Evaluation if it’s over.
- Mononuki laughs at Seki's bravado with the students dumbfounded at what he said.
- Answering Seki that the welcoming event is done and excuses itself from the students.
- The students erupt at Seki. Aki and Kairi question him, Fumie and Chie bring up Juu’s death.
- All to no avail as Seki dismisses their concern and says, unlike Juu, he isn’t going to fail.
- Angered by his insult of Juu’s death, Kemuri confronts Seki. Nearly starting a fight.
- Some try to break up the two while other students try to keep their sanity.
- Nobu feels a wave of fatigue and pain as he tries to pull Kemuri aside with Aki.
- Nobu loses his grip on Kemuri, stumbling a bit before he passes out in the chaos.
- Nobu wonders how everything could have led to this, and how he was responsible for it.
- Back in the dream, Nobu is greeted with a disappointed look on the person’s face.
- The person who was the catalyst of the Student Recruitment Incident.
- The person who Aki and the others testify against in the controversy.
- The person who was Nobu’s senior and idol, who humored and befriended him.
- The former Ultimate Biographer whose title Nobu is set to inherit and replace him.
- End of Prologue-